How to become a professional photographer?
Photography: how to begin?
Everyone used to start. Each person in a little different way and with various results. Today I’d like to share my reflections and advice on how to become a professional photographer. It’s time to make your dreams come true! Action plan for photographers for the very beginning
Creating a photographer fan page
Create a fan page (even if you are not planning a professional career at photography yet) – gaining new followers or fans from the beginning is a great help if you want to change a photographic hobby into work. Beginning with no audience when you want to make money is quite dispiriting. Remember that your fan page should be professional to the greatest possible extent. Do not share any content which is at an insufficient level.

Professional galleries for photographers
Be professional in every aspect. When you start to implement first orders (even free), behave as if you were a part of that business for a very long time. For instance, do not send the photos to a client on his e-mail, or from any free accounts for sharing photos. Use a tool to send photos for photographers, such as, for example Photonesto – Thanks to this approach, the clients will view you as a pro and will recommend you while they feel better served.

Competitions for photographers – chance for You
Show off your photos within the industry. Send photos to various photo competitions or other on Facebook / Instagram. A referral in a form of taking some place, or even a distinction sounds really serious and the clients will have a specific basis to consider using your professional photo services – after all, an amateur does not win competitions, right? 😉
What lens I should buy for…
Equipment – that is an important element of every professional photographer. It is important to invest in quality and not quantity at the beginning. Buy one camera lens, yet a good, solid one. Preferably with bright light. A minimum of f/1.8 or even brighter. Such lens would work with every possible order. From product photography, through a wedding or a family one, and finishing on fashion photo shooting and other specializations. You will “worry” about future investments in equipment once you start making money on photography.

Looking for inspirations
Analyze photos and professional stories of top photographers. One photographer and his story a day. Each of them used to start and their path may be a suggestion for you. I had spent many hours seeking inspiration from others myself. At some point it became an everyday habit – I highly recommend that.
Find your photograper place in the internet
“If it’s not on the Internet, then it does not exist” – the whole knowledge and experience of various people is on the Internet. Yeah, I know, quite trivial, but that is the truth – at the moment, the number of online guidebooks and photography courses is countless. Start with some free content. I also recommend you to listen to podcasts of photographers who have been successful in their fields.
These are just a few ideas for the beginning. The most important thing is not to give up and do something to become a better photographer every day. You will surely have moments of doubt and disappointment, yet every single person who has achieved something went through this one moment or another – with no exceptions here. Work, get inspired and do everything to become a professional photographer.